Tuesday, 30 September 2008

My rat friend, Sheila

I'll say it again. If you don't read Jesus' General religiously, you're missing out. His latest piece on McCain is, well, awesome. Read it here. And here's a teaser:

A few years back, I saw a Matlock episode where the origin of the word "crisis" was mentioned. Apparently, if you look at the original Sanskrit character, you'll find that it's composed of two symbols, the Sanskrit characters for "photo" (cri) and "opportunity" (sis).


Chancelucky said...

I didn't know that rats could read Sanskrit. The last great mcCain photo opportunity I remember was his shopping trip in Baghdad with the helicopter flying over him and the half dozen bodyguards.

Charles Lambert said...

Maverick! He's lucky Sarah Palin wasn't in the helicopter with a rifle...