Now that naughty Mr O'Leary has turned it back on its perpetrator, though, the mood has changed. Massimo Poledri, a Northern League MP, has accused the Ryanair ad of being "offensive and in bad taste", as though the original gesture were a model of seemliness and grace. Roberto Castelli, minister of justice with the previous Berlusconi circus, has announced an investigation to see whether this kind of advertising is 'compatible' with the use of Italian airports and says he'll never use Ryanair flights again. Well, he didn't actually say 'again'. Given that Italian senators fly business class, he's probably never set foot on one of O'Leary's cheap and often cheerless vehicles. He's more likely to avail himself of one of the hundreds of Alitalia flights which exist purely and simply for the convenience of members of parliament, regardless of profit or the lack of it.
Maurizio Borghezio, Euro MP (god help us), once convicted of trying to burn down some shacks with Romanian immigrants still inside them (two-month sentence, never served), says he's ready to launch a boycott against the company. At least that means he won't be disinfecting the seats used by duskier passengers, something he's known for on Italian trains. As usual, it's a win-win situation for Ryanair, a bit of nose-tweaking on a par with decorating the sides of its fleet with cheeky slogans directed against BA, Lufthansa, Alitalia, etc. You'd never guess it was the biggest airline in Europe...
PS. The Italian on the ad means: "Minister Bossi to Italian passengers: The Government... supports high Alitalia fares, supports the frequent Alitalia strikes and doesn't give a damn about Italian passengers." This is so obviously the truth that it would probably have been wiser to let the ad pass without comment.
Thank you, Charles, it is quite a satisfaction to see you are on the same tune with me...
Having come back to Italy on April 2007 I am already fed up with Italian dirty politics. Our country seems only to want to be more and more humiliated by its politicians...
thank you for you as usual wonderful post!!
And it looks like it will only get worse...
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