Wednesday, 4 July 2007

The Scent of Cinnamon: fifth review

This one comes from the Miami Sun Post and, once again, is less a review than an encouraging nod in my direction. And, once again, I'm delighted (though it's a pity they have the name of the novel wrong. Just in case you don't know, it's now LITTLE MONSTERS).

You'll have to scroll down a little to find it.


David Isaak said...

Yep, the "Fern" will never go away. I thought the world had moved from "Smite" to "Shock" when Macmillan gave me a copy of the MNW anthology (openings of the novels to entice the book trade). Yep, you guessed it. "Smite."

I'm going to suggest you write another novel under the title "Fern Seed", publish it in a very limited eidtion, and wait for the collectors to seek you out.

Charles Lambert said...

The editing process has been so radical that Little Monsters and Fern Seed effectively are two different novels. There's even an ur-novel called The Receipt of Fern Seed, which really would be worth putting out in a tiny tiny edition for the very discerning...

Anonymous said...

How would the setting be described in the scent of cinnamon?