Thursday 14 June 2007

Revealed truths 6

From Popbitch (what would we do without it?):
This is an excerpt from May 31st, showing an
end-of-term performance by the kindergarten
class of the Islamic Association in Gaza:

Host: Stay with us to watch this performance
by the children of Palestine.

The boys' show:
"Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah.
Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah.
Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah.
Allah Akbar. Praise be to Allah.
Who is your role model? The Prophet.
What is your path? Jihad.
What is your most lofty aspiration?
- Death for the sake of Allah.

It's a far cry from the oath I was supposed to learn to become a boy scout. All I had to do there was declare undying allegiance to the Queen, Commonwealth, er, God...

I just couldn't learn it. That must be why I never got my camping badge.

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