Sunday 17 June 2007

Gay Pride 2007: The interview (part two)

More from the Rome pages of Il Messaggero:
«Io sono etero, single, con un figlio - spiega Michaela Parris-Lord, 55 anni, ex assistente di volo - sono qui per protestare contro il Family day, perché l’Italia è ancora arretrata rispetto all’Europa». Vicino a lei, Charles Lambert, 53 anni, insegnante d’inglese a Roma Tre: «Sono 21 anni che sto col mio compagno, trovo molto irritante ancora discutere dei diritti dei gay. Qui si parla della laicità dello Stato». «E a me non piace l’idea che l’unico mix valido sia la famiglia - aggiunge Sally Mac Laren, 52 anni, anche lei insegnante di inglese - io sono single e sto bene così».

(Translation: I'm heterosexual, single, with a son, explains Michaela Parris-Lord, 55, ex flight assistant - I'm here to protest against Family Day, because Italy is still left behind compared with the rest of Europe. Near her, Charles Lambert, 53, English teacher at Roma Tre university: "I've been with my partner for 21 years and I find it extremely irritating that we should be discussing gay rights. The issue here is the laicism of the state." "And I don't like the idea that the only set-up considered valid is the family," adds Sally MacLaren, 52, another English teacher - "I'm single and happy this way.")


Chancelucky said...

glad your parade went well. I was looking at the photos and had this question.
In American drag queen culture there are certain icons that get visited repeatedly like Judy Garland, Cher, Tina Turner, Bette Davis, etc.

So it occured to me that Italian drag culture (which like America isn't necessarily gay) might have different icons. Do they? Is it say Sophia Loren instead of Marilyn Monroe or do these symbols translate cross-culturally?

Charles Lambert said...

I must admit that I don't know much about this, other than as a fascinated bystander, but my impression is that in Italy drag queen culture has more to do with Brazil than Hollywood, or Cinecittà. I have seen a few that look like Anna Magnani (and lots that sound like her) and, alas, Gina Lollobrigida but I'm not sure how deliberate this is!

The truth is that many, if not most, of these women (or, as is often the case, women with dicks) are still working as prostitutes, and straight men don't care tuppence if they look like Tina Turner. In any case, they generally have their backs to them...